90 Day Challenge
It's about that time, you've waited long enough!!
You want to start your journey to the new, fitter and healthier YOU! So let me tell you about the YM TRAINING 90 Day Challenge.
Our mantra is BALANCE, CONSISTENCY, LIFESTYLE… without one, you cannot have the others.
BALANCE: It is safe to say that we have tried to implement healthy habits. BUT, do you know that there is a balance your body requires to be in tip top shape. We put balance as the first principle because we have to understand the intricate connections between; working out, eating well, sleeping, reducing stress and taking our vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function at a high level.
CONSISTENCY: We don't do things just because they are easy… IF IT WAS EASY, EVERYONE WOULD DO IT. Consistency is hard– it is staying committed when the thrill is gone. I like to call it SELF ACCOUNTABILITY.
LIFESTYLE: Lastly, we have lifestyle… the symbiotic application of balance and consistency. The more you learn, the more you will be armed to go well beyond these 90 days and make it a life changing experience.
NOW, these principles and ideals are not easy by any stretch of the imagination but we can AND will do this TOGETHER. We will form effective goals, we will put plans in place to execute these goals and we will REACH THEM TOGETHER.
$300 for 1 month
$500 for 2 months
$750 for 3 months
Let’s Work Together
E-Mail: ymtraining78@gmail.com
Cell: 516-526-5237
Payment options:
ZELLE: 516-526-5237
VENMO: @yves-maco